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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

building that resilient marriage

interesting article (from naddie as usual!! :D)
There are two key predictors of a resilient relationship, experts say: mutual support and a willingness to sacrifice.
Gottman says he could predict which couples would blossom under stress: those in whom, years before, he had observed better communication and more mutual support. "Even at the time of the wedding, the men were more respectful of their wives, prouder of them," he says.
will i become someone my husband can be proud of? i tink i need to work on that (: i shall start now cuz i tink i've got a longlonglong way to go! x)
Beyond respect and pride — and even love — it may be the willingness to sacrifice that leads to a lasting marriage, according to researchers.
proves the first point! apparently researches have been done and scientific studies are usually erm most reliable? iz it? x) i tink so!
Studies at the University of Denver, and colleagues found that the willingness to forgo personal interests and put a partner's needs ahead of one's own was directly linked to a long-lasting, happy marriage — provided that such sacrifices weren't damaging or one-directional.
terms and conditions! (: mental note.

"You've got to know that you actually do better if you hang in there."
what doesnt kill you makes you stronger (: roughing it together i tink iz the fun part of a marriage, knowing that you're going through storms not on your own because you have your spouse with you. and solely because you know that with him/her, it's better than doing it yourself (: and because you know that going through it together breeds itself a stronger bond on its own (:


*throbs @11:58 <3

  1. Blogger nadia | 6:19 PM |  

    the article looks familiar...

  2. Blogger -nat- | 2:59 AM |  

    oh oops. haha, i wonder where it came from... x)

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"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have. It depends solely upon what you think."
— Dale Carnegie

Most people don't believe it, but it really is possible to think yourself happy. You start with one happy thought followed by another and another until pretty soon you're stacking them on top of each other, like layers of joy bricks. After awhile, you will have built such a solid wall of happy thoughts around yourself that wherever you go, you'll radiate joy. And all because one day you made the decision that no matter what, you were going to think a happy thought.

happiness is YOURS to control (:


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2Ho3. ak. grace. jingwen. joel. ziqi.

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ccm. eugene.

mabel. riana. yonghui.

chengjun. eugenia. jonathan.. ms tay. phildia. tabitha.. wenmei..



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